The Wisdom

With Patrick Mosher

Use this Powerful Framework BEFORE Your Next Interaction and Watch the Magic Unfold!

Walking the bustling streets of Athens in the...

evening, you hear the sights and sounds of a contemporary city.

Then, in a flash, you are transported back in time.

We are a united people across space and time.

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

Use this Powerful Framework BEFORE Your Next Interaction & Watch the Magic Unfold!

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "Intentional Interaction Planning".

Access our full SIM "Intentional Interaction Planning" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Intentional Interaction Planning" here, where I share more ways to create, build & sustain a life of purposeful contribution, intention & wisdom exchange, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Before you...

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A Simple Way to Think About Creating Impact in the World

The Evolution of a Man!

Attended Purdue a few decades ago.

How bout that beard!!

Back at Purdue this semester, Faculty-in-Residence.

Teaching 2 sections of a Career Readiness class, delivering moonshot workshops in the Integrated Business and Engineering program, and delivering monthly Story Crafting workshops in the Residence Halls.

Learning from our future leaders.

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery

A Simple Way to Think About Creating Your Significant Impact in the World

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "Intentional Interaction Planning".

Access our full SIM "Intentional Interaction Planning" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Intentional Interaction Planning" here, where I share more ways to create, build & sustain a life of purposeful contribution, intention & wisdom...

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The 4 Critical Rollers That Drive Success In Creating Significant Impact

This may be my favorite picture from...

our Pine City Lodge.

It frames the beauty of the space, captures the lodge in its natural habitat.

Shows me in motion in service to the ceremony.

What do you do to take you out of your normal routines?

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

The 4 Critical Rollers That Drive Success in Creating Significant Impact

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "Intentional Interaction Planning".

Access our full SIM "Intentional Interaction Planning" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Intentional Interaction Planning" here, where I share more ways to create, build & sustain a life of purposeful contribution, intention & wisdom exchange, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly Growth C...

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Watch Out for These Things When Pursuing Your Goals

A day is just a day until you...

take a break.

Take a breath. Look up.

And see FIRE in the sky.

Find the Fire in Your Heart today!

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

Watch Out for These Things When Pursuing Your Goals

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Interactive ZOOM on "Generating Momentum".

Access our full SIM "Generating Momentum" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here, or join as a VIP and also be part of our SIM Interactive sessions here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Generating Momentum" here, where I share more ways to help you create, build and maintain momentum - personally & professionally, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world! 


Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Think about a goal, dream or ambition you want to achieve in your life - personally or profe...

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Use This To Move Your Goals Forward Faster

People are curious about our...

Sweatlodge in Pine City.

Lodge. Land. Natural Beauty.

What Spiritual Practice do you do to Recharge?

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery

Use This To Move Your Goals Forward Faster

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Interactive ZOOM on "Generating Momentum".

Access our full SIM "Generating Momentum" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here, or join as a VIP and also be part of our SIM Interactive sessions here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Generating Momentum" here, where I share more ways to help you create, build and maintain momentum - personally & professionally, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge

Think about a goal, dream or ambition you want to achieve in your life - personally or professionally.

1) As...

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A Powerful Way to Achieve Your Goals & Dreams Faster

People are curious about the...

Sweatlodge Structure.

Willows covered with blankets and tarps. Door.

Bring in the hot stones. Pour water. Pray.

Ready to Enter?

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery

A Powerful Way to Achieve Your Goals & Dreams Faster

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Training on "Generating Momentum".

Access our full SIM "Generating Momentum" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here,

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Generating Momentum" here, where I share more ways to help you create, build and maintain momentum - personally & professionally, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge

1) Define a goal, ambition or a dream you're aiming to complete.

2) Set a deadline for it.

3) Brainstorm ways to reach it in half the time.

What e...

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Your Formula for Generating Massive Momentum

If you painted this...

people would claim that the colors are impossible to occur in Nature.

Look up and Nature gifts you just for being present! 

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery

Your Formula for Generating Massive Momentum

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Training on "Generating Momentum".

Access our full SIM "Generating Momentum" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here,

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Generating Momentum" here, where I share more ways to help you create, build and maintain momentum - personally & professionally, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge

1) Think through the size of a goal you have to complete by end of 2022 (less than 3 months).

2) Review the quote below.

3) Journal or document how much time (how many 1 ho...

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4 MORE ways to assess REAL priorities in your life

When driving from Point A to...

Point B, we get so focused on the road in front of us that we miss the color palette in the sky!

Take a Break and Look Up!

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery

4 MORE Ways to Assess REAL Priorities in Your Life

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Training on "Choosing REAL Priorities".

Access our full SIM "Choosing REAL Priorities" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here,

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Choosing REAL Priorities" here, where I share more ways to help you reduce overwhelm, anxiety & chaos in life, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge

You may not realize this, but you’re ALWAYS leading.

You’re leading your family, your friends, your team, those you met, and even yourself.

What skills and/or abilit...

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5 ways to assess REAL priorities in your life

For 22 years, I went to Pine Ridge Reservation to participate in our...

Summer Encampment.

I often get asked what our camp is like.

It's Primitive Camping.

This is the structure of my camp, called No Water Camp. Dining Room. Kitchen. Living Room.

Getting back to basics remind us of our minimum requirements for personal freedom. Simplicity!

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery

5 Ways to Assess REAL Priorities in Your Life

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Training on "Choosing REAL Priorities".

Access our full SIM "Choosing REAL Priorities" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here,

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Choosing REAL Priorities" here, where I share more ways to help you reduce overwhelm, anxiety & chaos in life, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly ...

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How to tactically set goals & prioritize them

In 2010, at the specific direction of our Lakota Teacher, we built our...

Pine City Lodge.

A place to sweat, pray and heal.

It's time to elevate our Spiritual Practices for healing ourselves, our communities and our humanity.

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery

How to Tactically Set Goals & Prioritize Them - Productivity Mastery

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Training on "Choosing REAL Priorities".

Access our full SIM "Choosing REAL Priorities" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here,

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Choosing REAL Priorities" here, where I share more ways to help you reduce overwhelm, anxiety & chaos in life, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge

Priority setting is a great governance mechanism, choosing a real priority is...

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