The Wisdom

With Patrick Mosher

Storytelling Secrets: Turning Life Experiences into Captivating Stories

What stories have you lived this week?

Could sharing them inspire others?


Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

Storytelling Secrets: Turning Life Experiences into Captivating Stories

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "STORY SOURCING".

Access our full SIM "STORY SOURCING" Training by:

1) Signing up our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "STORY SOURCING" here!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Try the…

5-Day StoryCrafting Mastery Challenge

Day 1: Identify Your Story Triggers

Take note of any situations, events or moments today that could be considered "story triggers" - things like failures, unconventional wisdom shared, or unexpected outcomes.

Write them down as they happen.

Day 2: Notice the Story Markers

Pick one of the potential story moments from Day 1.

As you re-live or re-tell...

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From First Kisses to Financial Freedom: Reframing Life Through Story

Your life stories are works of art!


Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

From First Kisses to Financial Freedom: Reframing Life Through Story

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "STORY SOURCING".

Access our full SIM "STORY SOURCING" Training by:

1) Signing up our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here,

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "STORY SOURCING" here!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Try the…

Storyteller's Perspective Challenge

1) Think of a simple, mundane interaction or moment you've experienced that seemed insignificant at the time.

2) Reflect on that experience from a new perspective - imagine you are an outsider encountering that situation for the first time.

What details would strike you?
What assumptions might be challenged?

3) Without explicitly stating a moral or lesson, write out the experience as a...

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Story Sourcing 101: Tapping into Your Impactful Experiences

Think about the impact someone important in life has had on you...

How can you amplify your impact with those you love, care for, and even serve?


Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

Story Sourcing 101: Tapping into Your Impactful Experiences

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "STORY SOURCING".

Access our full SIM "STORY SOURCING" Training by:

1) Signing up our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "STORY SOURCING" here!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Try the…

The Impactful Moments Challenge

Think back on your life experiences so far.

Make two lists:

1) Stories of when someone else impacted you in a meaningful way (a teacher, friend, family member, mentor, etc. whose words or actions significantly influenced your perspective or life path).

2) Stories of when you impacted someone else...

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