Finding the 'Hidden Spring'...
can be a catalyst for world change. đź’Ą
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on “START A MOVEMENT - OVERCOMING INERTIA”.
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Try the…
Time Revolution Challenge
(Unlock Your Business Potential)
Identify the Problem (Day 1 and 2)
- List 3 ways time is being wasted in your industry
- Describe how this affects CEOs and talented individuals
Uncover the Potential Energy (Day 3 and 4)
- Brainstorm 5 positive outcomes if this time waste was eliminated
- Visualize the "compressed spring" in your industry waiting to be released
Craft Your Solution (Day 5 and 6)
- Develop a concept that could save CEOs 10% of their time
- Outline how your solution taps into unused talent
Create Compelling Marketing Copy (Day 7)
- Write a passionate pitch addressing what's "egregiously wrong"
- Focus on the value of time regained, not ego boost
Test and Refine (Day 8 through 10)
- Share your pitch with 3 to 5 trusted contacts
- Gather feedback and refine your message
Remember: Focus on time, not ego. Your goal is to uncoil the spring of potential in your industry!
Live 100% Empowered!
"Time is the most precious commodity.” — Patrick Mosher
My goal is to share wisdom with you every week, helping you live a life that's 100% empowered, growing each day along the way.
Thank you for being on this journey with me, Live 100% Empowered,