From Vision to Legacy: Build Your Framework for Impact

A framework can...

turn your ideas into legacy. 🔥


Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

From Vision to Legacy: Build Your Framework for Impact

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on “START A MOVEMENT - TOOLS”.

Access our full SIM "START A MOVEMENT - TOOLS" Training by:

1) Signing up for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "START A MOVEMENT - TOOLS" here.


Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Try the…

"Kickstart Your Idea" 3-Day Challenge

Your Goal —

Create a basic framework to start something you care about, inspired by Patrick’s love for simplicity and frameworks!

Day 1: Pick Your Idea

Choose one thing you want to start (e.g., a project, habit, or goal). Write it down.

Day 2: List 3 Steps

Write 3 easy steps to get it going (e.g., 1. Tell someone, 2. Start small, 3. Check progress).

Day 3: Draw & Share

Sketch a quick diagram of your 3 steps (e.g., a list or circle) and show it to a friend or family member.

Outcome —

In 3 days, you’ll have a simple, actionable framework with a visual to start your idea—no complexity, just progress!

Live 100% Empowered!

Your Weekly Wisdom Quote — 

"I'm a framework geek. I love creating them. I create them out of anything!" — Patrick Mosher

My goal is to share wisdom with you every week, helping you live a life that's 100% empowered, growing each day along the way.

Thank you for being on this journey with me, Live 100% Empowered,



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