Revealing Your Authentic Self: A Powerful Message on True Connection

Expressing your AUTHENTIC self…

can inspire the world!đź’Ą


Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

Revealing Your Authentic Self: A Powerful Message on True Connection

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on “START A MOVEMENT - OVERCOMING INERTIA”.

Access our full SIM "START A MOVEMENT - OVERCOMING INERTIA" Training by:

1) Signing up for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "START A MOVEMENT - OVERCOMING INERTIA" here.


Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Try the…

7-Day Soul Awakening Challenge

Embark on a week-long journey to rediscover your true self and spread authentic peace, love, and joy.

Day 1: Unmask Yourself

— Identify one facade (definition: an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality) you often wear
— Spend 10 minutes journaling about your true feelings behind this facade

Day 2: Zombie-Proof Your Mind

— List 3 "spiritual zombies" in your life (i.e. negative influences)
— Create a positive mantra to combat each one

Day 3: Dig Deeper

— Choose one area: peace, love, or joy
— Ask yourself "why" it's important 5 times, going deeper each time

Day 4: Connect Authentically

— Reach out to someone you trust
— Share one genuine fear or hope you've been hiding

Day 5: Spread the Light

— Perform one random act of kindness
— Reflect on how it made you and the recipient feel

Day 6: Face Your Fears

— Identify one thing that scares you about being your true self
— Take a small step towards embracing this aspect of you

Day 7: Collective Joy

— Gather with friends or family (in person or virtually)
— Share one way each of you can contribute to more peace, love, and joy in your community

Remember: This isn't just about you. It's about all of us. Together, we can create more peace, love, and joy in our world!

Live 100% Empowered!

Your Weekly Wisdom Quote — 

"You're here on a mission, and you can't do it alone." — Patrick Mosher

My goal is to share wisdom with you every week, helping you live a life that's 100% empowered, growing each day along the way.

Thank you for being on this journey with me, Live 100% Empowered,



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