With Patrick Mosher
Do you remember setting the dinner table when you were a kid?
Table Manners was a high priority in our household. Setting the table, just so. Forks, spoons, knives and napkins all in their right place.
Sitting at our dinner table, I can still hear my Dad's remarks bark across the table:
We didn't get dessert until everyone finished the main course. Sometimes I fidgeted at the table as each person finished their meal, just ACHING to jump from the table to continue playing with my Matchbox cars!
Ah, but I found a twist! As the youngest of four children I discovered I could use that rule to exert my power over the entire family. I learned how to eat REAL slow, all three of my siblings glaring at me. Yes, 16 chews on this spoonful of peas is about right. Chew. Chew. ...