With Patrick Mosher
My South Dakota night after...
Beauty Sometimes is in the Texture of the Colors.
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR".
Access our full SIM "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR" here.
3 Powerful Needle-Movers for moving any Vision & Mission forward are having well defined:
1) Goals
2) Milestones
3) Metrics
One powerful goal to start with is knowing your financial break-even.
In order to create & sustain Significant Impact, typically, you need to sustain the finances of your organization or business.
Do you know you...
What do you see in this picture?
Sharing another Wisdom Gem from South Dakota prairie...
I see:
I see Legacy Now.
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR".
Access our full SIM "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "INFRASTRUCTUR...
Another Wisdom Gem from the South Dakota Prairie…
“No thing is inanimate.
Everything has energy.
Spirit is the center of everything.”
Sometimes I travel amid the beautiful outcroppings of the Badlands and wonder if I can faintly hear them humming.
Can you hear them, too?
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR".
Access our full SIM "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR" here.
Having a good infrastructure, you replicate easier and implement faster!
A good infrastructure has the following components:
(As you review these, rate yourself 1...
Wisdom from the South Dakota Prairie...
The sun is hot. The work is hard.
It’s all made awesome by OUTSTANDING company.
When did you overcome difficult challenges because of an awesome team?
And for those who know the characters in this picture and based on the look on their faces...
What do you think Mykl (seated) just said?
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR".
Access our full SIM "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "INFRASTRUCTURE - the I in ROCIR" here.
Creating Significant Impact lives in the Exchange of Wisdom...
Consider that there are 4 co...
More Wisdom from the...
South Dakota prairie:
“If a problem wasn’t supposed to be there, it wouldn’t be there."
Problems are about perspective.
Every problem has purpose.
To challenge you?
To build your skills?
To test your resolve?
To get your creative juices going?
Doubtful that a problem’s sole purpose is to generate frustration, despair, or procrastination.
See the problem. Choose your perspective.
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "PROJECTS - Creating Significant Impact Today".
Access our full SIM "PROJECTS - Creating Significant Impact Today" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "PROJECTS - Creating Significant Impact Today" here.
The Parthenon. Temple for Athena, the goddess of...
The temple has aged.
After 2500 years, scaffolding holds up her structure.
But look closely at the picture. Imagine the pure white marble, clean and bright—shining boldly in the sunlight!
A beacon ... a constant reminder for all that Wisdom lights our way.
Wisdom is the soundness of act or decision based on deep knowledge, valuable experience and good judgment.
Respond to this email with a resounding ‘YES’ if you want to make decisions and act with more wisdom!
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "CAMPAIGNS - Diving Deep into the C of ROCIR".
Access our full SIM "CAMPAIGNS - Diving Deep into the C of ROCIR" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immedi...
Our first live gathering of our...
Delphi Wisdom Council.
A perfect evening.
Can you feel the setting sun on our face?
The slight breeze through your hair?
In the distance, Council Members are inspired by Athena's Temple in the Acropolis.
Close enough to see, but not yet touch.
A Teaser for what is to come.
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "CAMPAIGNS - Diving Deep into the C of ROCIR".
Access our full SIM "CAMPAIGNS - Diving Deep into the C of ROCIR" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "CAMPAIGNS - Diving Deep into the C of ROCIR" here!
If a 'campaign' is defined as a planned group of activities intended to achieve a partic...
Portrait of a...
Man on the Wall of a Building.
That's all it is in ordinary terms.
Yet, this picture is much more.
To those who worship in this space, this painting represents the divine.
An inspiration to be better than yesterday.
What is YOUR inspiration to evolve?
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "RELATIONSHIPS - Diving Deep on the 1st R in ROCIR".
Access our full SIM "RELATIONSHIPS - Diving Deep on the 1st R in ROCIR" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "RELATIONSHIPS - Diving Deep on the 1st R in ROCIR" here.
Take a moment and deeply consider this question:
"What 2 or 3 key relationships do you I need to gr...
How would you want your...
statue to look?
Hands raised?
What would you be wearing?
Most important, how would you want someone to FEEL 300 years from now when they walk up to your statue?
This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "Build Your Business with ROCIR".
Access our full SIM "Build Your Business with ROCIR" Training by:
1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.
which opens up the ability for you to:
2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Build Your Business with ROCIR!" here!
OHHH — this is going to be so good for you!
Get ready…
With your business in mind (whether you have one, or are thinking about starting one)…
Use ROCIR to analyze your progress, and find out where you need the MOST help:
R — Relationships — What are the re...
Guests on this world class cruise were either taking a moonlight stroll on deck or soundly asleep in their cabins. Marconi Telegraph Operators worked busily into the night, planning tomorrow night’s extravagant party. Over the telegraph lines, they gathered details from friends and family from New York to Boston so they could make the party extra special. Imagine their excitement as the plans started coming together.
Are you getting excited about an upcoming party? How do you feel the night before? A little nervous? Your excitement builds as you see the pieces fit together. You see the end in sight.
And then disruption.
Something TOTALLY unrelated crashes into your party planning.
Have you ever experienced that kind of disruption?
How do you handle it?