The pandemic is slamming our world. My neighbor said that just as World War II was the defining event for our fathers, THIS is the defining event for our generation.
That means The 2020 Pandemic is more defining than the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, Neil Armstrong's walk on the Moon, the Beatles, the Bee Gees, PacMan, personal computers and the rise of this thing called the World Wide Net.
And here we are, the year of The 2020 Pandemic.
Why is this awful virus defining us?
The 2020 Pandemic impacts every person on the planet. We monitor websites with tallies of Coronavirus cases and deaths. We self-quarantine. We debate masks or no masks. Laws are passed. Schools open, close, open and kind of open. We venture out. We come back in.
These personal decisions can have fatal consequences. We lack reliable and vital information to make life and death decisions.
But still I ask, why is The 2020 Pandemic defining us?
It defines us because we are being tested for our reaction to Uncertainty. For the first time in decades, we cannot predict nor control our outcomes. Controlling our future, or the illusion of control, is no longer in our hands.
We are scared.
As with generations before us, we face an uncertain future, darkening our outlook.
It doesn't have to be that way. You have a choice.
We face an unprecedented time in human history. We have more abundance than our ancestors. We have freedoms our grandfathers and grandmothers only dreamed of.
Life expectancy has DOUBLED since the 1940s! We have the opportunity to enjoy more days in our lifetime. People live longer so we have the opportunity to share cross-generational WISDOM which we couldn’t before.
Today I can pick up my smartphone and talk to my great great grandchildren by shooting a video!
Oh, the possibilities!
What questions would I ask my great grandmother, Ellen Hurley?
Maybe these are the big questions to shoot in the video for my great grandchildren. If you left a message for your great grandchildren, what questions would you answer for them?
Passing wisdom from one generation to the next is THE KEY to our human existence!
Nope, it's not all about ME or YOU!
The 2020 Pandemic itself is NOT what makes this a Defining Moment for our generation. Our human species has faced extreme adversity in the past and we will again. We faced and survived every one. Why?
Because we adapt. We grow. We pass wisdom from our generation to the next.
And we evolve.
We are facing one of those times in the Earth's history when our human species is getting tested – tested for our Resolve to Evolve.
What you think, intentions you carry, choices you make and actions you take, all feed into one big Collective Consciousness. That Collective Consciousness determines the future of our human species. They determine the quality of life for YOUR great grandchildren!
This is a time of Conscious Evolution.
Yes, fear seems omnipresent.
But you know what? Fear always has been. To feel fear is to be human.
What you CHOOSE to do with that fear is what matters.
What choices will you make TODAY in the face of fear and adversity?
I choose LIFE. I choose UNITY. I choose ABUNDANCE. I choose WISDOM.
What do you choose?
So, how do I know for sure this message will alter the course of human history?
Because you read all the way to the end, I now place my hope of our human species on YOU.
Don't feel burdened or overwhelmed. By reading this message, you are thinking a little differently. You might even act a little differently. One small change today changes the trajectory of your life, even if only by one degree. One degree today accumulates to 2 degrees tomorrow and 3 degrees the next day. In twenty years, you exist in a different universe!
See how our Collective Consciousness works? It robust and fragile at the same time.
Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and count the abundant blessings in your life.
You smiled, didn't you?
So I ask you again, in this defining event of The 2020 Pandemic and the pervasive fear we all face,
What do you choose?