The Surprising Minimum You Need for Success Each Week

Create a Vision That...

Grabs People's Heart and Passion to GO!


Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

The Surprising Minimum You Need for Success Each Week

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "WEEKLY RHYTHM".

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Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Try the...

"Define Your Weekly Minimums"


Too much on your plate this week?

Feeling overwhelmed and losing perspective?

Try this quick reset:

Step 1: Identify 3 Priority Projects

What are the most important things you need to move forward this week?

Boil it down to just 3 key projects.

Step 2: Define 1 Milestone per Project

What is the minimum you need to accomplish for each project to consider it a success this week?

Identify 1 key milestone per project.

Step 3: Have 3 Strategic Conversations

With who do you need to connect this week to create opportunities or advance something important?

Plan for 3 meaningful conversations.

Step 4: Review Your Minimums

Each morning, review your 3 priority projects, 3 milestones, and 3 conversations.

These are your weekly minimums for feeling successful.

If you can achieve them amidst everything else going on, you'll retain perspective.

Give it a try this week and see if focusing on the "minimum viable week" helps provide rhythm and balance during hectic times!

Live 100% Empowered.

Your Weekly Wisdom Quote — 

"When I set intention for the upcoming week - I ask 'What are the minimum requirements for this week, to say that it was successful?'" — Patrick Mosher

My goal is to share wisdom with you every week, helping you live a life that's 100% empowered, growing each day along the way.

Thank you for being on this journey with me, Live 100% Empowered,



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