Asking the Exact RIGHT Question

We traveled a long way to get here.  Delphi, Greece.  The place where Pythia, the Delphi Oracle, received pilgrims seeking answers to questions related to their most pressing issues.  Politicians, kings and philosophers traveled the arduous journey to the Delphi Oracle.  Why?  Because they believed she spoke Truth. 

What question would you ask, if you had complete faith the answer would be absolutely True?

I call this the Delphi Oracle Question (DOQ).  I use this metaphor in my events and programs.  When I prepare for big events or ceremonies, I brainstorm my DOQ.  Review and revise it.  Imagine if you could receive absolute Truth, wouldn't you hone that question to get it just right?  The process of honing my question is a habit and I'm amazed at how the question is always answered!  Perhaps not in the way or timing I expect, but always answered.

Well, here I was at the actual site of the Delphi Oracle!  Magnificent Greece.  I decided on Delphi for my next Wisdom Council, so my team and I were scouting the location.  We had so many details to figure out:  hotels, food, meeting spaces, promotion shots.  Even as we walked through the ancient structures at Delphi, I still thought about how participants would meander through this place. 

I walked all the way to the top of the mountain.  Past all the ancient structures.  At the top I looked at my smartphone and realized the park was closing in 40 minutes.  Hurry down!  As I walked down the path, it hit me…. 

I hadn't let HER in!

Here I was in this magnificent place and all I thought about was snapping photos and wondering how to conduct my event in this place.  I was in my head.  I traveled all this way and hadn't even spent one brain cell thinking about my own Delphi Oracle Question!

I stopped, sat down and took a deep breath.  Got super present.

What is my question for The Oracle? 

I looked down the mountainside to Apollo's Temple, the ancient structure where the Delphi Oracle performed her ceremonies and provided Truth.  I was taken aback by what wasn't there. 


I was in a tourist area.  People around all day.  In this moment, no one.  No one on the path above me nor on all the switchbacks below me. 

I was alone …. with Her.

As I walked down the path towards the temple, I formulated my question.  "What is my Next Best Action of Integrity?"  At the foot of the temple, she provided her truth.  Direct.  Clear.  Firm. 

"Focus on the One Thing That Matters Most."

My eyes moistened with gratitude.  So simple.  So clear.  Thank you!

What question would you ask if you had 100% faith you would receive Truth? 

Formulate your question carefully and be open to hear an answer you may already know in your heart.  Or you might receive the answer from an unexpected place.  Just be open. 

What Truth do you seek?  Make sure you ask the right question!

Learn Deeply!


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